Does book daniel say end times

May 15, 2019 the angel gabriel approaches daniel in the latter half of the ninth chapter after daniel prays for israel. Many people define end time by giving out signs of the end time. But as for you, daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time. Time of trouble, a sealed book, and the end daniel 12. But you, daniel, keep these words secret, and seal the book until the end times. Daniel spake and said, i saw in my vision by night, and, behold, the four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea. The days of the church age are rapidly drawing to a close and the shadows of the endtimes are approaching. Or perhaps youre too afraid to even think about it. The book of daniel verse by verse chapter 12 the end. Remember from our previous study that seleucus and ptolemy were two of the four generals who assumed power at the death of alexander the great and divided the.

Great controversy exists in the prophetic community about what the sealing of the prophecies of daniel means. The bible describes events and conditions that would mark the conclusion of the current system of things, or the end of the world. Easytoread version the following are some outstanding features of lastdays, or endtimes, prophecies. Scholars agree that the sevens appears to mean years. That certainly sounds like the angel is commanding daniel to seal his book the book of daniel until we reach the time of the end. It appears to talk about the end times, trouble before, and the raising of the dead. But daniel is the first book to say, yo, youre coming back at the end. Updated news for 2020 which we believe relate to the end times and bible prophecy. Oct 25, 2017 prophecy charts showing timebased bible prophecies from the books of daniel and revelation. He will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will say unheardof things against the god of gods. Why do daniel and revelation give varying counts of 1,260, 1,290, and 1,335 days for the tribulation.

Michaels deliverance and the end times 3 then the wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever and ever. But he also provides wonderful hope for those who submit their lives to god. To the time of the end until that period, the book would be sealed. We have absolute proof that the united states can be discovered in the bible.

If you would like to know gods program for the future, it is essential that you understand this book of daniel. You can actually piece together an entire timeline to end time events using the book of daniel alone. If we are to understand signs of the end time, we must recognize. But endtimes prophecy is not just a christian thing. Signs of the end times 2020 biblical end time prophecy. And he said to me, do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near. Who knew the roman empire was going to emerge in the future, and yet daniel here is clearly prophesying the 10 caesars of the roman empire. In addition to very clearly depicting the modern nations of the world, daniel s vision also foretells of the events leading up to the return of jesus christ. The book of daniel is a 2ndcentury bc biblical apocalypse combining a prophecy of history with an eschatology a portrayal of end times cosmic in scope and political in focus.

Michael the archangel is described in the bible, in the books of daniel, jude, and revelation, as a warrior angel who engages in spiritual combat. Mar 24, 2020 is the cornavirus a sign of the end times. Is an increase in technology a sign of the end times. Daniel spake and said, i saw in my vision by night and behold, the four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea. And four great beasts came up from the sea, diverse one from another. This introduction is quite extensiveall of chapter 10. The world is walking blind, but for those who understand bible prophecy, current events make a lot of sense, and bring much clarity and understanding to the events described in end time prophecies. Nov 22, 2017 the book of daniel lays the basis for the book of revelation. But at that time your peopleeveryone whose name is found written in the book will be delivered.

The book of daniel serves as the major apocalyptic book of the old testament, as chapters 712 foretell the end times. A versebyverse explanation of the book of daniel to the world during our times wieland, robert j on. Easytoread version the following are some outstanding features of lastdays, or. It reveals specific prophetic events that are happening right now in the united states, britain and many other englishspeaking nations. Scroll down to see the news updates and you will see without doubt, taking into account the many endtime signs shown throughout this site. End of days bible study of the prophet daniel by h. Many people think that biblical prophecies about the end of the world and the battle of armageddon are a christian thing. Donald trump and end time prophecies prophecy unleashed. A versebyverse explanation of the book of daniel to the world during our times. The end times according to isaiah, part 1 grace thru faith. In 1918 the spanish flu, another coronavirus, killed 50100 million people worldwide. King james version the bible calls this time period the last days and the time of the end, or end times. With much being said and taught about a tribulation at the end times i find myself needing help understanding daniel 12. Gabriel said that the vision referred to the time of the end in da0815ff.

But end times prophecy is not just a christian thing. In fact, the book of revelation is almost completely dedicated to events yet to come in the end times. In chapter 10, daniel tells of a revelation he received during the third year of king cyrus of persias reign. It doesnt exclude there being other kingdoms in other parts of the world.

Its not what they told you, brian godawa offers his insightful, wellresearched, and even revelatory take on what is the rightful, most accurate interpretation and understanding of some of the most wellknown endtimes prophecies. The antichrist daniel 7 and revelation bible universe. Seven prophecies that must be fulfilled before jesus christs. Daniel, the book of daniel, is the key that unlocks the book of revelation. I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made stand upon the feet as a man, and a mans heart was given to. This period is called the great tribulation by jesus in matthew 24. The introduction to the prophecy of daniel 11 is given in the preceding chapter. When gods church is in its place of protection, the 1,260 days a time, times, and half a time, or 42 months of the great tribulation will begin. But you, daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, until the time of the end. Bible prophecy 11 prophecies of jesus and the end times. The old persian empire encompassed the areas of presentday iraq, iran, syria, kuwait, afghanistan and pakistan and also presentday turkey, palestine. The one biblical passage related to this concept is found in daniel 12. Does the bible say anything about a black pope in relation to the end times. Christians reference the bible for signs of the end times.

Does the bible say anything about russia in relation to the end times. Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake. You should know and understand that from the issuing of the word to restore and to rebuild jerusalem until messiah the leader. An indepth look at the four great beasts of daniel 7. The prophecies of the book of revelation are among the most important parts of the bible, and understanding these words is a crucial component of understanding how the end times will unfold. Charts include studies on the rapture and great tribulation. In chapter 10, daniel tells of a revelation he received in 539 bc concerning a great war that was coming. I read this powerful book straight through, in one single sitting. The book of daniel verse by verse chapter 12 the end times.

How to understand the endtimes prophecies in daniel. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. This final chapter of the book of daniel focuses on the end time the time just before and after jesus christ returns to. Ezekiel also reveals that these nations are headed for the worst crisis ever known. In more mundane language, it is an account of the activities and visions of daniel, a noble jew exiled at babylon, its message being that just as the god of israel saved daniel and his friends from their enemies, so. Open a king james bible and read daniel chapter 8 with a dictionary and you cannot help but see that he is the prophesied king of the west who at the time of the end will fulfill the prophecy in making his nation very great. End time is also referred to as end of times, end of days, end of the world, end of the ages, last days, final days, last time, latter days or eschaton. In the 14 th century, the black plague killed 3060% of the population of europe.

The prophecy of daniel 2 alone shows we are in the time of the end, and all the other evidence proves we are in the very end times. Many have proposed that an increase in technology is a sign of the end times. But at that time your peopleeveryone whose name is found written in the bookwill be delivered. Remember, cyrus had conquered babylon in fulfillment of a prophecy god had given to isaiah over 100 years earlier isaiah 44. The prophet ezekiel will have lived in vain if gods true church doesnt proclaim his message today. What this means is that daniel s prophecies would not be fully understandable until the end times prior to christs return. God told the prophet daniel that when the end is near, many seemingly enigmatic verses will become. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase. Here are 7 hidden prophecies in the book of daniel. The time it takes to rebuild jerusalem since the time the babylonians had destroyed it daniel 9. Are the sky trumpets people have been reporting signs of the end times. This is virtually the same as the popular 1960s book preparation for the final crisiscopiously used during my seminary dayswhich provides an actionable timeline of the end often called soft datesetting i think the author sets up a good premise when he writes that daniel and his friends, living. Daniel sealed up, john unsealed we see in the book of revelation god clearly instructing the write, apostle john, to seal not the book.

What this means is that daniels prophecies would not be fully understandable until the end times prior to christs return. He becomes the first one in history we can put a finger on and say this is the type of ruler that these apocalyptic books picture as the ruler of the final end time. He was a prophet to the southern kingdom at the same time as hosea, amos and micah. The world empires described in daniel are all kingdoms that encompass the land of israel. The afterlife and resurrection are much more central themes in the christian books of the biblethe gospels, revelation, the letters of paul and others all take it as a given. The prophet daniel lived more than 500 years before the birth of jesus. It is the failure to understand and apply daniel 9. The prophecy of daniel 11 includes amazing details about great empires, political developments and endtime powers that would affect the jewish people.

First, it is clear this passage speaks of the end times. The book of daniel then shows gods plan to give dominion over to the gentile nations until the time of the end when the full plan would be sealed up or finalized. But thou, o daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end. Its true that the world is straying from god, and the bible points to several warnings we can see all around us.

If you really want to build a biblical system describing the endtimes and you fail to include daniel 9. Why must elijah return before the end times malachi 4. As daniel concluded his prophecy in chapter twelve, he asked god to let him in on the timing of the endtime events. Any help on this subject would be greatly appreciated. Maybe youve heard predictions of when the world will end. Who are the two witnesses in the book of revelation. Daniel the prophet warns us of a terrible time ahead for the entire world. Jan 02, 2020 so what does the bible have to say on this matter. The days of the church age are rapidly drawing to a close and the shadows of the end times are approaching. It was still over 200 years away and would last nearly 200 years after that, and would pit the seleucids against the ptolemys. May 29, 2019 you can actually piece together an entire timeline to end time events using the book of daniel alone.

A time designated for waiting for the anointed one to come daniel 9. Daniel 7 describes this abomination and how to recognize it. Is coronavirus one of the plagues in the book of revelation. Again, it doesnt say the end of time as in the last days. Although he wrote during the period of 740 to 700 bc, isaiah is the prophet most often quoted in the new testament. The book of revelation written in the end time throws more light to the book of daniel, the book of daniel being the key to unlock the book of revelation. The bible tells us in chapter 7 of the book of daniel, that god gave daniel a vision of four beasts rising from the sea. The sabbath school lessons for this quarter are titled preparation for the end time.

Jun 09, 2014 the prophecies contained in the book of revelation are key end time revelations which we must prepare ourselves for, as the end time is happening now. The biblical signs are clear for all to see, and after reading through this site with open eyes, even the scoffers will struggle to argue against it. Does daniel 12 talk about the tribulation at the end times. The end times at that time michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. Lets take a look at the text in question, daniel 12. Gabriel mentions seventy sevens will take place before god will put an end to sin and bring everlasting righteousness daniel 9. The book of revelation and the book of daniel have a relationship one that of a padlock and a key. What do the 1,290 and 1,335 days represent daniel 12. What the book of revelation reveals about the end times. Michael the archangel appears to have a major role in end time events. Many will roam to and fro, and knowledge will increase. How daniels prophecy foretells the messiahs arrival. At the end of the 1,260 days, jesus christ will return to this earth. In the meantime, as the angel says, we are in the process of being purified, made white, and refined daniel 12.

New american standard 1977 and he said, go your way, daniel, for these words are concealed and sealed up until the end time. But you, daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end. What does the bible say about weather in the last days. The book of daniel is unsealing middle east and prophecy. The book of ezekiel is clearly an end time message. Jps tanakh 1917 but thou, o daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end. Can the return of christ truly be said to be imminent. This is the final period before the coming of christ the time leading to the very end. Previously, daniel had told king nebuchadnezzar that there is a god in heaven who reveals secrets daniel. While many verses are subject to interpretation, one bible passage is crystal clear. Prophecy charts showing time based bible prophecies from the books of daniel and revelation. I believe that this is the most exciting prophecy in the entire bible. Daniel 12 niv the end times at that time bible gateway.

These words are to be kept secret and sealed until the end times. The book of daniel lays the basis for the book of revelation. It reminds me of what god said to the prophet isaiah in isaiah 46, i am god and there is no other, declaring the end from the beginning, from ancient times things not yet done. The news is full of bible prophecy fulfilling events now, and there can be no doubt that we are living in the last days. Many will travel everywhere, and knowledge will grow. The prophetic seal on the book of daniel is unsealing right before our very eyes. The book of enochknowing the end at the beginning the word of the blessing of enoch, with which he blessed the elect and righteous, who will be living in the day of tribulation, when all the wicked and godless are to be removed concerning the elect i said, as i began my story concerning them. But, if not one of the seven plagues of gods wrath, could it be a sign of the end times. You know, for religious fanatics and other societal oddballs. But you, daniel, close up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end notice that when the end is near everything will become more clear. The english translation of the first half of the verse says close the words and seal the book to the time of the end. Nevertheless, jehovah revealed to daniel information that would make it possible to pinpoint the time when jesus would be anointed, or appointed, as the messiah, or christ. With so much chaos and confusion in the world today, many wonder if we are living in the end times.

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